Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Culture Shock

We've been here for almost 2 weeks and thought it would be fun to share our favorite differences between the US and UK so far:

1. The most obvious one is the driving. Not only do they drive on the other side of the road, but their way of driving is completely different! They don’t do stop lights or stop signs; they do crazy round-a-bouts, and you’d better know what you’re doing! They don’t really post speed limits; you’re supposed to know based on the type of road you’re on. And they have funny road signs that we love, including “Warning – Weak Bridge Ahead,” “Caution – Hidden Dips,” and “Elderly People.” I am getting better with the driving though, and we are most likely going to go ahead and get two cars so I can drive around while Brian is working.

2. Eating here is different, not just because of the food. We usually go out around 7, and most times we are some of the only ones in the restaurant. They definitely like to eat later, after they’ve had a chance to hang out in the pub for a while! =) Also, they eat EVERYTHING with a fork and knife. So many times we just want to pick stuff up with our hands like we would normally do, but we’re trying to be good and adapt. Because of staying in the hotel, we’ve had a chance to try out almost every restaurant throughout town. Indian is definitely a favorite over here, and they do it really well. We also love a French place near us. (But if you’re wondering, the restaurants we miss most from home right now are Chipotle, Tijuana Flats, Publix (subs), and Chick-fil-A!) =)

3. The other big immediate difference is the weather. It actually hasn’t rained very much at all (we’re in a drier part of England), but I’m FREEZING!! We’re in pants and sweaters/jackets/etc. every day. I’m hoping I start to adapt, especially before winter! But please don’t let this deter any visits – I’m a complete baby when it comes to cold weather! Brian doesn't think it's too bad. =)

We read an article the other day that said, "Culture shock is a gift. It shakes up our small world and forces us to question and reappraise what we thought we knew." We're going to remember this quote every time we hit a speed bump (or a curb!). =)


  1. very neat!! that sign is hilarious. the thing I loved the most about Duke was just getting to know people who were in the US for the first time in their life. it's so neat learning about other cultures! please keep posting your adventures!

  2. Thanks Julia! Yeah, seeing other cultures is one of the reasons Brian and I love traveling so much. It must have been neat to see the other side and see people experiencing the US for the first time! =)
