Monday, April 19, 2010

What’s Worse… Florida’s Love Bugs or England’s Pheasants? (by Brian)

Growing up in Florida, I used to hate love bug season. No matter where you drove, your car was bound to be covered with tons of love bugs by the time you reached your destination. Being the only son in the family, that usually meant that it was my job to clean them off. For those who have never lived in Florida, a quick sponge and soap won’t work… it takes a whole bunch of “elbow grease”.

When we moved to England, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they don’t have love bugs. You still get the occasional fly hitting your “windscreen” (British for “windshield”) every once and a while, but nothing like the massacre that I would witness when I drove over the St. John’s River bridge in Sanford at night.
Of course, I’ve now come to discover that England has its own hazards that attack the windscreen. Let me introduce you to THE PHEASANT!

Prior to moving to England, I had never heard of a pheasant. It’s basically like a fat turkey with a long tail, except these guys are more commonly seen in the wild. A few days ago I got a nice, close-up view of a pheasant. As I was driving to work at 6:30 am down the A14 (their version of I-4), all of a sudden one decided to FLY INTO MY WINDSCREEN! Imagine having a fat turkey hit your windscreen at 70 mph! Needless to say, it definitely scared the you-know-what out of me.

Luckily the windscreen held up for the rest of the drive and I was able to make it to work, where I later had AutoGlass (their version of Safelite… even with the same annoying jingle) come out to replace it.
So I pose this question… what’s worse, the love bugs of Florida or the pheasants of England?... All I can say is that from this day forward, I’ll never again complain about having a few love bugs hit my windshield!


  1. WindSHIELD. Remember, you're writing to Americans here. =)

  2. Something else to look out for are deer.I just had the front bumper of my car and side panel smashed in by a herd of deer near Sudbury - cost to fix £650

  3. Oh wow, we will make sure to watch out for the deer! That is crazy! =)

  4. I would rather deal with a few bugs or evan a phesant hitting my windsheild/windscreen ANYTIME, compaired to hitting a deer at evan a slow speed. I live in pennsylvania u.s. and the deer in my area are very abundant. and very dangerous to drivers. I have seen many accidents that involved hitting a deer where it actually went through the window and crushed people. And it looked like the animal had exploded on impact. dureing my lifetime i have hit two deer with minor damage thankfully but its definatly something that should be cautioned while driveing.
