Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Slingbox - Our Connection to American TV

I hadn't heard of this before we were planning our move overseas, so I figured a lot of other people hadn't heard of it either. I wanted to take an opportunity to tell you about the most wonderful invention: the Slingbox. Brian's friends from work were nice enough to get it for us. Basically, it is a box connected to a DVR in the States that we can tap into from our computer over here. Our wonderful friend Chris has it set up at his house for us (he can really mess with us if he wants to though because he can record shows and change the channels)! We can set our recordings, watch live TV from Florida, and do everything else you would normally do at home with your DVR.

British TV isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be - we actually do have DVR over here too, which has been nice. (Once you've had DVR, it's very hard to go back to watching TV normally!) However, I can't imagine missing my shows from home, which is why I'm so thankful for the Slingbox. Even if England does have some of the same shows, most times they are at least a few weeks behind so you read stuff online before you have a chance to watch. But because of the Slingbox, I can watch So You Think You Can Dance, The Real Housewives, and the Food Network just like I would at home! It has been such a lifesaver, and I would recommend everyone living overseas to get one.

I do tend to skip through the commercials still though so let me know if any good shows are coming up over in the States that we need to make sure to record! =)

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