Monday, July 27, 2009

Swine Flu in the UK

As is the case around the world, swine flu is a very hot topic in the UK right now. England has developed a very interesting plan to deal with the increasing number of cases:
  • First, you are supposed to have a "flu buddy." This is the person who can go pick up your medications, etc. if you do have swine flu so you aren't out and about and infecting other people. Brian and I are officially each other's "flu buddies" now. =)
  • Second, the UK actually doesn't want you to go to your doctor if you think you have swine flu. Instead, you are supposed to go online or call the swine flu hotline and check off what symptoms you have. If you meet the criteria for swine flu, you are given a prescription for Tamiflu that your flu buddy can then take to the pharmacy. The news said it was the first time you were able to get something like Tamiflu without actually seeing a doctor!

This website/hotline idea is very interesting because they are using those numbers to estimate how many people have swine flu in the UK. And they are saying that they are hoping that people won't abuse the system. With how scared everyone is though, I'm sure there are a ton of people who are calling just to have the Tamiflu on-hand in case.

The news is also reporting that British Airways and Virgin Atlantic are now screening passengers to see if you have any hints of swine flu and will not let you fly if you have any symptoms whatsoever. Brian and I had both better be perfectly healthy on Sept. 4 because I want to come home!!! =)

In case you are interested, here is some official swine flu information from the NHS.

P.S.: There are actually notices at our gym that one of the daycare (or "creche") teachers has swine flu. Thank goodness we don't have kids yet!!!

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