Sunday, July 26, 2009

Visiting Cambridge

Brian and I have been to Cambridge several times for furniture shopping, but we've always stayed on the outskirts of the town and not really seen the history and culture of it. So this weekend we decided to spend Saturday doing a tour and exploring Cambridge. We learned a lot about the history of the university and colleges there - our tour guide was a Cambridge grad and VERY proud of it! The sheer beauty of the chapels at the colleges we visited was amazing - a lot were constructed or finished during the time of Henry VIII in the 1500s.

We couldn't have asked for a prettier day to explore the town. While we enjoyed the sightseeing, the food we were able to eat was a very big highlight too. =) As I'm sure we've told you, we haven't been able to find really good Mexican food or any sushi in Bury St. Edmunds. Seeing as how Cambridge is a student town, we were finally able to find both! We enjoyed a beautiful picnic on one of the lawns featuring HUGE burritos that reminded us of Chipotle or Tijuana Flats. Then for dinner, we ate at a great sushi restaurant called Yaki-Teri (it's sister restaurant Teri-Ayki was right next-door). We were very happy (and full!) when we drove home.

One of the biggest touristy things to do while in Cambridge is to rent a punting boat to go down the River Cam. Smart as we are, we decided to watch along the river instead of actually trying it. That was definitely a good thing because people were getting stuck, getting wet, and just didn't seem to be enjoying it that much! It was so funny because we saw all these couples trying to make it like a romantic gandola trip in Venice, but it just wasn't working. Our recommendation for friends who visit and want to try this is to pay a little extra and leave the rowing part to the professionals... =)

View our photos from the day here.

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