Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grocery Shopping in the UK

So now that Brian and I are really living in the UK, we have finally gotten into a normal grocery shopping schedule. It's funny to see the differences between grocery shopping here and in the States, so we thought we'd share:

  1. Reusable bags are definitely a MUST over here. In our local grocery store in Florida, some people were using them and we were really starting to, but over here, you actually feel guilty if you have to request plastic bags (some stores even charge you for them). As a result, we have our Publix green reusable bags that we now take with us every time we shop. Definitely much better for the environment!
  2. No bag boys - you bag your own groceries. And let me tell you, I have a whole new respect for the baggers at Publix. It's crazy when all of the groceries are coming toward you and you're trying to keep up! Plus with the reusable bags, you have limited real estate that you can use. I also have new love for my wonderful husband who is actually an AMAZING grocery bagger - he keeps everything so organized and always fits things into the bags perfectly. He usually does that while I am paying. As a result, I now dread going by myself - it's too much pressure! =)
  3. Wait your turn! The check-out person will NOT start scanning the next person's groceries until the previous person has paid, put away their wallet, bagged their groceries, put them in the cart, and is walking away. In the States, there were so many times when I had to make sure my stuff didn't get mixed up with someone else's because they were trying to get us through the line so quickly - not the case here from what I can tell (although I really do appreciate it because I'm a slow bagger...) =)
  4. And of course, last but not least, the food is different of course... =) I've already mentioned how they have non-refrigerated milk, how the stores don't refrigerate their eggs, and how a decent sugary cereal is hard to find. But it's also just fun to go through the store and see the different types of food. We're eating lamb now and usually at least one Indian meal per week. Plus we usually try one new British recipe a week which has helped us learn new terms for food (like mangetout is a snap pea).

We've been here for a little while now, but grocery shopping is still an experience each time I go. I usually end up having to ask the store people a million questions, especially if I am trying a new recipe. Everyone is really nice though, and with time, I'm sure I'll get to know the store (and the food!) just as well as I did at home... =)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a great time over there. Stumbled across your blog as I was doing some research for our move to the UK - my wife and I are moving from Raleigh, NC to London in January 2010. Keep up the great updates, maybe we can meet up with you for 'a pint' when we get settled in :-) Oh yeah, just wanted to edit - my 'fun' blog and my 'personal' blog got merged a couple years ago.... I'm not really the CEO of a company dedicated to Worm Production, that's a parody blog a friend of mine (who lives in Orlando, ironically) and I update to get a laugh from time to time.... Cheers!
