Friday, March 5, 2010

New Series - The Adventures of Owning Our Dog Lilo

As anyone who knows me can tell you, I LOVE my dog Lilo.  We got her 2 years ago at a very difficult time in my life - my mom was being treated for cancer, Brian was traveling a lot, etc.  She provided me with a lot of company and a lot of joy.  However there are also certain things she does that can definitely frustrate me, including her latest thing of being a MORNING DOG.  I am NOT a morning person, and I know my dog can sleep in, but lately she wants to get up at 5 a.m. and start her day. 

The last 3 nights, we have gone to bed at a normal time, but around 5, sure enough, Lilo comes to my side of the bed (she knows she can't wake her father up!).  At home in Florida, our bed is so high that she can't reach me, but here, she puts her little head on my side and licks me.  It's such a great way to wake up, let me tell you!  =)  She doesn't stop until I get up and go downstairs with her to let her out, give her water, and of course feed her.  (My dog is a little chunky, and mealtime is VERY important to her!)  I usually do this as I am still half-asleep and then go back upstairs and try to fall back asleep.  When she is done with her breakfast, she comes back upstairs too, and in the past, she would lay back down until we really got up.  But lately (and I'm not sure if this is because Brian just got home from a trip), but as soon as he gets up for work, she runs and grabs her toys to start playing!

Now I know my dog can sleep in...  When Brian was out of town last week, she let me sleep every morning - the earliest she woke me up was 830 a.m.!  So what has happened?!?  How can I break this streak?!?  I know my friends with children will tell me this is starting to prepare me for that chapter of our lives, but until I get there, I definitely need my sleep!  If you have any pearls of wisdom for getting her to sleep in, please let us know.  In the meantime, enjoy this picture of what I wake up to...  =)