Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Visiting One of the Queen's Homes - Sandringham

One of the things that Brian and I love most about living in England is how we can visit random castles and country homes on the weekends.  We had a good-weather weekend a little bit ago and decided to visit Sandringham House, one of the Queen's official residences.  And unlike other residences like Buckingham Palace, this is one that the Queen, not the State, officially owns.  It's also where the Royal Family gathers every Christmas and New Year. 

We had the most amazing time seeing the inside of the house and all of the history and decoration in there.  It's one of the newer places we have visited recently, being completed in the late 1800s.  (Our definition of "old" has completely changed since being in England - 1800s seems new now!)  What we enjoyed most though was walking around the grounds outside - there are actually 20,000 acres of land there!  Of course we didn't explore everything, but we did enjoy some time out in the sunshine, which is important since winter is almost here and sunshine days may be few and far between!

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