Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life of an International Grad Student

So with all of this traveling, you might be wondering if I'm still attending school.  The answer is of course yes!  =)  I actually just completed Term 5 of 8 - I can't believe how fast this 2-year program is going!  My graduation is set for August 2011, which means I will still be in school when we move home next year and when (hopefully!) I return to work.  Some people I talk to are warning me about the stresses of working while doing school, but I'm not worried at all after traveling while doing school!  I have definitely had to learn flexibility and amazing time management this past year.

First, internet is a must whenever we travel now, which sounds easy enough, but it can be quite a challenge to find, especially when we are staying in some of the smaller towns.  We have had a few times too when the hotel has said it has internet, but we show up and the internet only works in certain areas of the house.  My favorite with this was the time I did a group conference call on the steps of a Victorian B&B in the middle of the night because that was the only place I could get signal! 

I have also had to learn how to "work on the road."  I can't tell you how many papers I have written while on trains and planes.  I even worked at an airport counter one time while waiting to board a plane because I needed to post to a discussion board before we took off!  =)

International grad student at work in the Nice airport!
The other obvious challenge I have is being on a different time zone than my teammates.  MBA programs, especially the Penn State one I am doing, are generally very team-oriented.  My team has worked with me on the times, but I'm usually doing conference calls late at night to keep up with everyone after they get off of work.

Oh yeah, and finally, I of course always have my "little helper," although all she ever really does is sit underneath me or lick my homework!  Brian says she is trying to get knowledge.  =)

Lilo obviously doesn't realize she is a bit too big to do this!  =)
I'm definitely not complaining about this though - it has given me great stories, and now I know I am capable of working in a virtual, global environment, which I know will serve me well in the future.  I don't doubt that going to school with a 40-hour-a-week job will present new challenges, but I definitely feel ready and will be excited to be back in the East Coast Time Zone!  =)  For now, I am enjoying a holiday break before I jump into Term 6.  Wish me luck!

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