Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nice & Monaco

As I've mentioned in the past, Brian and I created a "bucket list" of sorts of places we absolutely wanted to see before we moved back home.  Monaco was the last one on my list, so this trip was very special!  After Kim and I explored Italy together, we took a train to Nice (pronounced "niece"), France, to meet back up with Brian.  When we first arrived, we saw something Brian and I hadn't seen in a while - SUNSHINE!!!

On the beach in Nice, France
Hanging outside our hotel window overlooking the center of Nice
Nice is on the Mediterranean Sea on the southeast coast of France known as the French Riviera or Cote d'Azur.  Because of its proximity to Italy, there is a heavy Italian influence.  At times, I felt like I was back in Rome or on the Amalfi Coast.  We enjoyed exploring the city by walking and taking "The Little Train" up to one of the outlook points of the city.  Nice definitely ranks up there as one of the most beautiful places we have ever been.
Beautiful fountain in Nice
Taking a ride on "The Little Train"  =)
Overlooking the French Riviera
Basking in the sunshine - not sure when I'll see it again!  =)
That weekend, we took a day trip over to Monaco, which was about an hour's bus ride away.  Monaco is the second smallest city in the world, second only to Vatican City.  It is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world, as was evident by the many high-rises overlooking the Mediterranean Sea!  It was odd though because it didn't feel crowded at all.  Everything was as opulent as you would expect; everywhere we looked, we saw the fancy cars, fancy shops, and overall wealth we anticipated seeing there.  While there, we made a special visit to the Monte Carlo Casino, although we didn't gamble.  =)  We also visited Princess Grace's gravesite - Princess Grace was an American actress who married into Monaco's royal family.

Brian, Kim, and I in front of the Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco
Kim and I in one of Monaco's opulent shopping malls
Like I said, this was a very special trip for me.  Now I feel like my adventure over here is complete.  We still have a few trips left, but those are all gravy.  I now feel like I can move back home satisfied that I saw the things I wanted to see in Europe.  =)

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