Friday, April 23, 2010

Dover and Normandy with my Dad

This month, Brian and I had a special visitor - my dad was able to come over and visit for 10 days.  My dad was stationed over in Germany in the 1970s, but he hadn't really been back to Europe in a while, so it was fun to be able to go around with him.  Our adventure started in England, but included France and Switzerland as well.

Anyone who visits us needs to know that we want you to be able to see as much as possible so you'd better be well-rested and ready to go!  =)  My dad was a trooper as we took him immediately down to the coast the first day - we were able to explore Canterbury and the Wartime Tunnels in the white cliffs of Dover which is an absolute must-see if you're in that area.  These were the tunnels used during the World Wars, and it's really interesting to walk through them and see the artifiacts they still have.  This was the perfect prelude too for the next part of our trip over to the Normandy region of France.

Normandy is known for the D-Day Beaches where troops came in to defeat the Germans.  We took a car train over to France and then made our way down the coast to Omaha Beach and the American Military Cemetary located there.  We had only planned on spending one night, but we were delayed a bit by holiday traffic and there was so much to see, that we improvised and stayed an extra night.  Thank goodness we did because we were then able to drive to see Mont St. Michel, which is basically a giant castle-fortress that is surrounded by flat land. 

After France, we spent a few days relaxing and running errands in Bury St. Edmunds before we flew over to Switzerland to train through the Alps.  More on that part of our adventure tomorrow!  In the meantime, hope you enjoy these photos from England and France.  =)

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